Remember to check for restrictions in your destination country
While the Canadian government still recommends against non-essential travel, many Canadians are making plans to start exploring the world again. As of May 2021, some countries have relaxed their entry restrictions for foreign travelers who are taking leisure trips. Whether you are fully vaccinated or not, going abroad requires some preparation. Follow your destination country’s health and safety recommendations, and be sure to learn about any restrictions in place.
Travellers who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are less likely to contract and spread COVID-19 and may, in some cases, benefit from relaxed restrictions. Please always refer to the rules in effect in your destination country.
Be mindful that international travel carries certain risks, even for travelers who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. For example, while vaccinated travellers may be protected from COVID-19, some regions of the world are struggling with significant outbreaks and new variants which are crippling their healthcare systems and overrunning their ICUs.This can mean that both basic and emergency healthcare may be unavailable. Before travelling, it may be helpful to follow the number of COVID-19 cases in your destination country. To learn more, you can view the statistics here: WHO Coronavirus Data.
The spread of COVID-19 and its variants is different from one country to another. It is recommended that travelers be aware of the situation in their destination country before departure.
Traveling abroad during COVID-19 for the fully vaccinated
A person is considered fully vaccinated when they have received the full schedule of doses required for protection. For example, if you received only one dose when your vaccination plan includes two doses, you are not considered fully vaccinated. It is important that you receive both doses of the vaccine, as protection against COVID-19 is not optimal until you receive the second dose of the vaccine.
Currently, the following vaccines have been authorized in Canada by Health Canada: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson). To be considered fully vaccinated, you must have received one dose of Janssen, or two doses Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or AstraZeneca. You can learn more about the COVID-19 vaccines here.
Traveling abroad during COVID-19 for the unvaccinated
For people who have not received any doses of vaccine, it is essential to take extra precautions to limit potential exposure and spread to COVID-19. It is important to follow the recommendations issued by the government and to wear a mask, practice social distancing, avoid crowds, and take measures to limit the spread of the virus.
Before traveling
Make sure you understand and follow all the requirements issued by the airline and your destination in terms of health recommendations, COVID-19 test, wearing a mask, quarantine, travel insurance, etc. Note that requirements differ from one country to another. Make sure you are up to date and respect the requirements of your destination country. Warning: failure to comply with the requirements could result in refusal of entry into your destination country, and you will have to return to Canada.
Be sure to also follow the border restrictions and requirements in your destination. Read more about the countries that currently welcome Canadian tourists, as well as COVID entry requirements.
Consider travel vaccinations before you leave!
COVID-19 isn’t the only health risk to consider when travelling, nor is it the only vaccine you should consider. Travelling internationally can expose you to a variety of health risks and illnesses that are not active in Canada, such as malaria, meningitis, yellow fever and travellers diarrhea. As exotic destinations become more popular, travel immunizations are more important than ever. Travel clinics, like ours, can help you stay healthy during and after your travels, so you can enjoy your stay. We offer travel health consultations and private vaccines for individuals, couples, families and groups. Our nurses and doctors are experts in travel medicine who will provide personalized health and vaccine recommendations based on your destination, activities, and medical history.
Before you arrive in Canada
All travelers entering Canada by air or land must use the ArriveCAN mobile application. You will be required to submit travel information, COVID test results, a quarantine plan (exceptions may apply), and a self-assessment of your symptoms electronically within 72 hours of arrival in Canada.
Traveling abroad during COVID-19 by land
Before traveling to Canada :
- Perform a COVID-19 test (molecular/PCR test) 72 hours before arrival at the border
- Have a quarantine plan
- Enter your information on the ArriveCAN mobile application (COVID test before departure, quarantine plan, travel information, COVID self-assessment)
On arrival in Canada
- Be prepared to show your ArriveCAN receipt and COVID-19 test results at the border
- After passing through the checkpoint, go directly to your quarantine location
- Register your arrival on the ArriveCAN mobile app and use the app or call 1-833-641-0343 to report your symptoms daily
- If you did not perform your first COVID test at the border, follow the instructions provided in your screening kit to perform it on the day of your arrival
- Take a COVID-19 test on day 8 of your quarantine, even if the test is negative you will need to stay home to complete the required 14 days of isolation. If you test positive, isolate yourself to protect others from infection.
More information on entering Canada by land during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Traveling abroad during COVID-19 by air
Before traveling to Canada :
- Perform a PCR test 72 hours prior to boarding
- Have a quarantine plan
- Register on the Switch Health website
- Enter your information on the ArriveCAN mobile application (COVID test before departure, quarantine plan, travel information, COVID self-assessment)
Once in Canada
- Be prepared to show your ArriveCAN receipt and COVID-19 test results at the border
- Perform a COVID-19 test upon arrival at the airport
- Go to a government-designated hotel to begin the 3-day quarantine
- Register your arrival on the ArriveCAN mobile app and use the app or call 1-833-641-0343 to report your symptoms daily
- If your COVID-19 test is negative, continue your 14-day quarantine at your residence
- Take a COVID-19 test on day 8 of your quarantine, even if the test is negative you will need to stay home to complete the required 14 days of isolation. If you test positive, isolate yourself to protect others from infection.
Note that as of July 5, 2021, fully vaccinated travellers arriving by air will not be required to stay in a government-approved hotel. Also, fully vaccinated travelers will no longer be subject to the federal requirement to quarantine or complete a COVID-19 test on the 8th day following arrival (exceptions may apply). Read the press release “Government of Canada’s first phase to easing border measures for travellers entering Canada”.
After your quarantine
Follow the COVID-19 regulations and health recommendations issued by the Canadian government:
- Practice hand hygiene with hand sanitizer
- Respect social distancing
- Wear a mask over your nose and mouth in public places
- Respect the number of participants for indoor and outdoor gatherings
As global COVID vaccination rates go up and cases go down, we are seeing borders reopening and jetsetters travelling. We are excited to get out and explore the world once again, but it will be crucial to keep health and safety top of mind. By getting vaccinated, respecting the regulations abroad and at home, and staying well informed, we can once again see the world safely in 2021.